Consider the Boeing 777-200LR, ,powered by two GE90 engines, each ra level. This aircraft set a record in 2005 for the longest range for a commercial airplan London eastbound, a distance of 21,600 km, non-stop without being refueled. The Boeing 777-200LR has the following characteristics: S = 436.8 m², CLmax = 2.3, lambda = 31.6°, W₁ =1,910,000 N, e = 0.93, CD₁ = 0.020, cj=0.34 Nfuel/(, Wo =3,410,000 N, b = 64.80 m, t/c = 0.13, Wfuel =1,500,000 N. Assume the flight from Hong Kong to London was at constant C_L at 10,500 m and was optimized for flying the maximum range. (a) Calculate the amount of fuel left in its tanks upon landing (in Newtons). State any assumptions used. (b) The FARS require that aircraft have a 10% fuel reserve for such flights. Did this aircraft meet that requirement? (c) Calculate the velocity at the beginning and end of this cruise flight. (d) If there were 300 passengers on board this flight, what is the fuel economy (in for this trip?