Write a proposal for modern power system automation for transmission substation using intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) programmed to exchange information using various protocols to control, protect, and monitor the entire substation. These operations must be performed from a substation - specific control room, remote control centres via SCADA, and standardized human - machine interfaces ( HMIs ) by knowledge of designing, testing, and commissioning an IEC 6 1 8 5 0 . This proposal must also include the Wide Area Protection strategy and engineering practices for primary and ancillary communications protocols, including IEC 6 1 8 5 0 Manufacturing Message Specification, IEC 6 1 8 5 0 GOOSE, Simple Network Time Protocol ( SNTP ) , IEC 6 0 8 7 0 - 5 - 1 0 1 / 1 0 4 , and Simple Network Management Protocol ( SNMP ) . Explain the methodologies, evaluation and validation techniques for the given SAS proposal according to IEC 6 1 8 5 0 . Also explain the implementation of an optimized, reliable Ethernet communications network that serves as a backbone in the automation system, enabling all respective devices, protocols, and software to play their roles effective. Enumerate the advantages, constraints, and the major factors to be taken into consideration in the proposal with modern SAS standards. The single line diagram should have following included into design proposal: 2 transmission lines 2 sub transmission Star / Star / Delta Mesh arrangement with Bus - tie CBs for HV side incoming feeders 3 or 4 outgoing feeders on each bus