
Neat People vs. Sloppy People

Although filled with generalizations, Britt's essay does not lack for examples. Study the examples in paragraph 11 and explain how they do and don't work the way examples are supposed to, to bring the generalizations about people down to earth.

Sedaris: Pages 250-251

Questions on Meaning

There is a certain amount of irony in Sedaris's envy of Hugh's childhood. What is this irony? How does Sedaris make this irony explicit in paragraph 21?
Questions on Writing Strategy

Does Sedaris develop his comparison and contrast subject by subject or point by point? Briefly outline the essay to explain your answer.

Mernissi: Page 267-268

Questions on Meaning

What two subjects does Mernissi compare? Where does she state her thesis initially, and where later does she restate and expand on it? What does Mernissi conclude is the same about the two subjects?
Questions on Writing

What is the purpose of paragraphs 6-7? What do these paragraphs contribute to Mernissi’s larger point?

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