This activity is important because adaptability is a highly valued skill in business today. Fast-changing technology globalization, and knowledge work requirements increase the value of employees who can adapt to changes. As a manager, you should be able to determine how adaptability will benefit your organization, and as an employee, how to show your adaptability for more career opportunities.
The goal of this exercise is to demonstrate your understanding of adaptable task performance by reading the case and answering questions that follow
Read the following case about Zappos and answer the questions that follow.
Zappos wants adaptable employees. Founded in 1999, the company of 1,500 employees recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. Culture has always been important, but the company's Structure since 2012, called a 'holocracy,' demands employees be adaptable
In a holocratic environment, employees are expected to self-manage. Zappos describes self-management as 'knowing exactly what you are responsible for and having the freedom to meet those expectations however you think is best' Also important is self-organization, which Zappos defines as being able to make changes to improve things-beyond what is required of you."
For example, employees are expected to set their own goals and identify areas for improvement. In order to do this well employees must understand their work tasks and technology, so they know how to improve performance. Zappos helps employees feel more comfortable with self-management by using mentorships and professional development
One example of self-management is the Zappos customer service jobs Zappos employees don't transfer customer calls to a manager when solving problems. They have full autonomy and can offer discounts and refunds, come up with creative solutions, and even send flowers to a customer. This high degree of autonomy means that employees must not only be adaptable but also have skills and knowledge about the job in order to make good decisions
Zappos 10 Family Core Values highlight adaptability as central to the culture. They include "Embrace and Drive Change, Create Fun and a Little Weirdness," "Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open Minded," and "Pursue Growth and Learning,
Hiring people who can thrive in a flexible environment means recruiting at Zappos is different from most organizations Recruiters get to know applicants in one-on-one chats. The interviewee may be invited to sit in on meetings and attend company activities. This allows recruiters and other employees to see how the person behaves in the organization's unique environment. If you rely on direction from others and prefer a narrow set of job duties, Zappos may be a frustrating place to work. However, if you like the challenge of directing your own job goals and the responsibility of self- management, it may be a dream come true
1. Employees at Zappos need various adaptability skills because they rely so heavily on
a. self-management
b. politics.
c. training
d. travel
e. structure