Identify each statement as true or false.
a) Describing colony morphology is the first step in identifying an unknown organism.
b) Colonies from different bacterial species usually do not differ in shape, size, color, or texture.
c) There are seven characteristics to observe when describing a colony.
d) The margin of a colony describes the edge of its growth.
e) Opacity refers to the color of a colony.
f) Lobate is a descriptor of colony elevation.
g) The surface of a colony can be described as smooth, glistening, rough, wrinkled, or dull.
h) Gram-negative cells have a thick outer cell wall composed of peptidoglycan.
i) Gram-negative bacteria will stain pink, and Gram-positive bacteria will stain purple.
j) The primary reason for heat-fixing the bacteria onto the slide is done to kill the bacteria.
k) The order of chemicals applied during a Gram stain is: crystal violet, iodine, alcohol, and safranin.
l) The iodine is applied to adhere the stain crystals inside the cell walls, making it permanent.