Climate change is a cyclical event in the history of the Earth. In recent years, increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have accelerated the rate of climate change across the globe. Different areas may be impacted with different effects. Predict the effect on the Arctic tundra biome as greenhouse emissions increase.
A Increased greenhouse gases will increase the overall temperature of the region, resulting in an increased supply of coal and oil deposits for human use.Increased greenhouse gases will increase the overall temperature of the region, resulting in an increased supply of coal and oil deposits for human use.
B Increased greenhouse gases will decrease the overall temperature of the region, providing more habitat for animals and humans to live in these colder areas.Increased greenhouse gases will decrease the overall temperature of the region, providing more habitat for animals and humans to live in these colder areas.
C Increased greenhouse gases will decrease the overall temperature, which will increase the ice coverage and reduce the access to natural gas deposits for humans.Increased greenhouse gases will decrease the overall temperature, which will increase the ice coverage and reduce the access to natural gas deposits for humans.
D Increased greenhouse gases will increase the overall average temperature of the region, resulting in the melting of the polar ice. This will decrease the access that humans have to navigate the area.