
List of Chapter readings/exercises:
1. Chapter 5: “Attitudes and Boundaries” 18 points
​Exercises: Any TWO vignettes from pgs. 132-135. (5 pts. each)
​​ Any TWO scenarios from pgs. 136-138. (4 pts. each)
2. Chapter 7: “Identifying Good Responses and Poor Responses” 10 points
​Exercises: Complete all on pgs. 165-167. (1 pt. each)
3. Chapter 8: “Listening and Responding” 12 points
​Exercises: Any THREE of the Reflective Listening SETS, pgs. 180-186 (4 pts. each set)
4. Chapter 9: “Asking Questions” 10 points​
​Exercises: Any FOUR of What is Wrong With These Questions? P. 195-197 (1 point each)
​​ Any FOUR of Opening Closed Questions, pgs. 198-200 (1 point each)
​​ ONE of the Try Asking Questions scenarios, pgs. 200-201 (2 points)
5. Chapter 10: “Bringing Up Difficult Issues” 10 points
​Exercises: Any FOUR of the What is Wrong Here Exercises, pgs. 217-219 (1 point each)
​​ Any FOUR of the Expressing Concern scenarios, pgs. 219-222 (1 point each)
​​ ONE of the Expressing a Stronger Message scenarios, p. 222-3 (2 points)
6. Chapter 11: “Addressing and Disarming Anger” 10 points
​Exercises: ONE of the Initial Responses to Anger scenarios, 235-236 (5 points)
ONE of the Practicing Disarming scenarios, 236-237 (5 points)
7. Chapter 12: “Collaborating With People for Change” 5 points
​Exercises: ONE of the Helping People Change scenarios, pgs. 263-264:
​​​Make a LIST of techniques/skills to use in each case.