Joseph Davis, a 17 year-old high school senior.

He is brought in by his mother at 0400 hrs. He complains of (c/o) sudden onset of pain in his left testicle 3 hours earlier that woke him up. The pain is intense and has made him vomit. VS: T 99.2°F, P 88, R 15, BP 130/70. Examination reveals his left testicle to be enlarged, warm, and tender. His abdomen is normal to palpations.

At your request, Dr. Helinski, the emergency physician on duty, examines him immediately. He diagnoses a torsion of the patient's left testicle.

Joseph Davis presented with typical symptoms and signs of testicular torsion. The affected testis rapidly became painful, tender, swollen, and inflamed. Emergency surgery was performed, and the testis and cord were manually untwisted through an incision in the scrotum. The testis was stitched to surrounding tissues to prevent a recurrence.

Dr. Helinkski, the emergency physician on duty, has referred Joseph Davis to a surgeon for repair of his condition, and it is your duty to obtain from the patient's insurance company preapproval for the surgery. You must be prepared to furnish answers to the following questions the insurance company will ask.

1. What is the patient's diagnosis?

2. Is this condition the result of an accident? What causes this condition?

3. What surgery is the surgeon going to perform? Describe the procedure and the specific name for it.