
Act 4, Scene 1
1. In the first part of this scene, lago appears to be comforting Othello, but in
fact is deliberately tormenting him. Discuss.
2. Iago's strategy to discredit Cassio is clever, lago says that Cassio has spoken
of his relationship with Desdemona. However, he qualifies this by saying
but be you well assured, / No more than he'll unswear. What does this
mean and how does it reinforce Othello's suspicion of Cassio's apparent
3. What causes Othello to fall unconscious? What evidence is there in fines 36
to 44 of Othello's growing confusion?
4. When Othello passes out, lago says 'Work on,/ My medicine, work!" What
does he mean?
5. a) Explain how lago 'sets Cassio up' to appear to be talking about his
illicit affair with Desdemona in lines 90 to 102.
b) The staging of this scene is crucial for its dramatic effect. If you were
directing this play, how would you place the actors on the stage for
greatest effect? Explain what theatrical conventions would be
understood by the audience during this scene.
6. Tago uses Bianca's arrival (line 141) to further his deception. The first
thing she does is fling the handkerchief back at Cassio saying, This is some
minx's token....
a) How does Othello interpret this?
b) How did the handkerchief come to be in Bianca's
7. As Cassio departs, we see Othello's changed personality. His anger knows
no bounds and is, ironically, directed at the two people who love him most
and are totally loyal to him.
a) What does Othello say should be done to Cassio and
b) Othello is particularly brutal in his description of Desdemona's
punishment. What are the three different ways he thinks of her being
punished? Refer to lines 173 to 200.
c) Suggest a reason for the extremity of Othello's reaction to
Desdemona's supposed infidelity.
d) lago finally suggests the manner in which Desdemona should
die. What does he say Othello should do to her and why is this
method preferable to any other?