For this Code Practice, use the following initializer list, terms:

terms = ["Bandwidth", "Hierarchy", "IPv6", "Software", "Firewall", "Cybersecurity", "Lists", "Program", "Logic", "Reliability"]
Write a sort program to sort the list of computer terms by their length, much like the preceding question. However, this time, define and use a function named swap as part of your solution. The swap function should not be a sort function, but should instead implement the swap functionality used in sorting. This function should swap the elements in the list at each of the indexes. You will compare two elements in the main code and call swap if the length of the string at the first index is greater than the length of the string at the second index.

Your function should take three parameters: the first is the list name, and the second and third are the indexes to swap. Print the terms list before and after it is sorted.

Expected Output
['Bandwidth', 'Hierarchy', 'IPv6', 'Software', 'Firewall', 'Cybersecurity', 'Lists', 'Program', 'Logic', 'Reliability']
['IPv6', 'Lists', 'Logic', 'Program', 'Firewall', 'Software', 'Bandwidth', 'Hierarchy', 'Reliability', 'Cybersecurity']