Matching: (Match the best term with the following statements ;Use Capital letters to respond )
A. neoclassicism B. romanticism C. realism D. naturalism
E. expressionism F. modified realism G. absurdism H. eclecticism

1__C_____ Movement started as a result of new concepts in psychology in the late 1800s.

2.______ When an actor pretends to have a glass in their hand and takes a drink from it.

3._E_____ Brought theatre the tools of flashbacks, and dream worlds to show character’s inner mind.

4.______ Play structures are most often set up in circular structure, ending where they began.

5.______ A Slice of life, which shows people as victims of their environment (more real than realism)

6.______ Rules for art and theatre. Rules from the classics and new rules. Rules for every part of life.

7.______ This, brought the concept of the fourth wall as a division between performance and audience

8.______ Using unit sets or just lights and minimal furniture

9.______ Throw out the rules, look for the pure meaning of human truth and true emotion

10._____ “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” Or other plays that deal with truth and illusion

11._____ Victorian homes, English gardens, the beauty of untouched nature.

12._____ Henrik Ibsen is called the father of modern drama for his work in this ISIM

13._____ The world is shown from the perception of a character or of the author.

14._____ Sought to show that human emotion was more important than man made rules

15._____ Balance in art is good, as exemplified by the proportions of colonial period buildings.

16._____ Around, 1920, very visible in German silent films. To see what the character sees.

17._____ created a need for more intimate theatre spaces (audiences needed to be closer to the actors.)

18._____ Uses fracture set pieces, like partial walls, or just furniture on stage

19._____ Sought to deal with real social and personal problems of the “current” middle class society
of the time.

20._____ Blends mixtures of all styles (our current palette for productions)