For an machine using 2-dimensional even parity for error detection/correction, and the following received bytes, where is the error? If there is no error, select "No Error" for both boxes. Bits are numbered left-to-right and top-down, indexed 1 => 7 then Parity.

Quesetion 1 = Byte # [ Select ] ["3", "7", "2", "1", "No Error", "4", "5", "Parity", "6"]

Question 2 = Bit # [ Select ] ["4", "7", "3", "No Error", "1", "2", "5", "Parity", "6"]

Byte # Code Parity
1 1000 011 1
2 1000 110 0
3 1001 101 0
4 1100 011 0
5 1101 000 1
6 1100 110 0
7 1010 100 1
Parity 1111 001 1