
For this task, you’re going to have to be a little dishonest. It’s designed to show you how easy it really is to fake it and to act positively even when you feel negatively inside. You have a choice of three “faking it” exercises. You can try all three if you like, but you must complete at least two: (Great for anyone who finds it hard to get up in the morning) When your alarm goes off at 7 a.m., you naturally have the urge to groan. Instead of doing that, snap your eyes open, smile, and say out loud, “I feel great!” As you go about your morning routine, keep telling yourself that you feel great, even if you don’t. You may well find that by the time you get to school, you actually do feel pretty good. (Great for anyone who is naturally shy) Your task is to go into a situation that makes you a little uncomfortable and, instead of trying to avoid the parts that make you uncomfortable, embrace them completely. For example, if you don’t like talking to the assistants in a fancy clothes store, your task is to go in and “fake” that you do like talking to them. Make conversation with them; pretend for just a little while that you are a completely different person. You’ll be surprised how easy it is once you embrace the idea of “faking” or acting. (Great for anyone who is terrified of the idea of acting) Pick up any play or scene you can find. Either with friends or completely alone, spend time acting out a character who is nothing like you.