Read the article below and use a range of suitably advanced sentence types, including quoted passages, to list the supposed benefits of the proposed changes. You need only create three or four paragraphs, but ensure you write in full sentences. There is only one way to create a biking paradise, and that is to invest massively in making it safer Imagine we could invent a miracle mode of transport that was quick, efficient and got the passenger exactly where they wanted to go and exactly when they wanted. Imagine that this machine was silent, beautiful, with zero emissions and promoted oxygenation of the brain and a general sense of well-being. Let us say, moreover, that this amazing contraption got commuters out of their cars and their trains and their buses and thereby not only relieved the pressure on an over-stretched mass transit system but also allowed the former captives of that system to revel in the light and the space and the tree-lined, sun-dappled glory of the most beautiful capital city on earth. Wouldn’t we be mad not to promote such a device? It is almost 200 years since one Dennis Johnson of Covent Garden helped introduce the London public to what he called a “pedestrian curricle”. It was a pretty rough ride. The curricle had a heavy wooden frame and the small number of early users suffered hernias or other more serious injuries. There was a brief flurry of interest, and then the curricle was more or less abandoned. But the basic idea has been refined until it gave us the machines of today – technologically in a different world. The bikes of today are vastly better even than the bikes of 20 years ago: lighter, safer, faster, easier to handle and more manoeuvrable, and with gears so ingeniously tuned as to propel us uphill as if by magic carpet. Since London’s topography is broadly flat, and ideal for cycling, it is no wonder that the habit is spreading. Look at the bridges every morning at the rush hour, and you see them in their hordes with their calves like piano legs and arrayed in c