Choose any state except New Jersey.
. Create a new project for the chosen state, saving it in the
gisclass|ClassProjects folder.
. Open a new map and set the coordinate system to the most appropriate State Plane zone in the State Plane > NAD 1983
(meters) folder. If there is more than one zone for the state, just pick one, preferably the central one.
• Set the Analysis Environment to match the chosen coordinate system for the map.
• Export each of the vector feature classes from the usdata geodatabase to the new state geodatabase, taking care to export only the features in the state.
• Update the Item Description for each data set exported.
• Find at least two additional feature classes for the state geodatabase, either from ArGIS Online or a web site, choosing ones that you find interesting. Import them to the geodatabase as well.
• Create a map of the state layers, appropriately symbolized (omit some layers if the map is too cluttered).
• Compile these items into a document to submit to your instructor:
a. Screenshots of the map, including the Contents pane showing the layers
A screenshot of the Layers folder in the map properties (as in Fig. 5.20) to show that all layers are in the same coordinate
c. A screenshot of the map showing only the Internet data obtained
d. A list of citations, one for each data set