Directions: As described earlier in the Unit, foreshadowing is a tool authors use to give readers hints about what is going to happen later in a story. They use
foreshadowing to build readers' expectations, create suspense, and emphasize upcoming
Based on what you've read so tar, find (4) examples of
foreshadowing in the novel and explain them using the Text Editor. Examples appear below.
Foreshadowing: Emesto's thought process about George's desire to become a Zuñi
What is Being Foreshadowed: The discriminatory attitudes and prejudices that are a major theme of the novel.
Foreshadowing: Ted Isaacs is introduced as a character, along with George's idea to find some of the things made by the Old People in the Doctor's (Reynolds) box of
What is Beg Foreshadowed: Ted Isaacs and the "Doctor" become a major part of the plot, as do the chips (pieces of arrowheads).