Using evidence and analysis from these resources, write an essay in response to the statement, “CollaboraAon is an absolute must ifyou plan to be successful in the business world.”Your essay must include the following:
1.A thesis statement in the opening paragraph.
2.Documented proof from the excerpts.
3.Evidence showing a clear understanding of the resources or excerpts.
4.A conclusion at the end of the essay related to thesis and supporAng evidence.
Short Essay: Answers must be consistent with the expecta3ons of the course.
Answers should include, but not limited to: a clear thesis, suppor3ng interpreta3ons of the sources that may include cita3ons of texts, graphs, maps, or images, and evidence of understanding about the topic. Short essays should be a minimum of 1 page in length, double spaced with using 12-point font, and with 1-inch margins using APA guidelines. *
A page is equivalent to the front side of a single piece of paper. Instruc&onal Resources1.278-1 10 Must-Haves for Successful Team CollaboraAon2.278-2 The Power of Partnerships: Why Businesses are BeRer Together3.278-3 The Secrets of Great Teamwork4.278-4 CollaboraAve CommunicaAon: Why It MaRersScroll down to find the instrucAonal resources. There is also a scoring rubric provided at the end of the document.
Student Resource Business ManagementExcerpt 1:10 Must-Haves for Successful Team CollaboraAon Dinnie Muslihat, February 12, 2018Why is team collabora&on necessary?Team collaboraAon is nothing new, and there’s more to it than just making sure everyone gets along with each other. It’s about finding new ways of working as a team, fostering an innovaAve culture, and coming up with new team collaboraAon ideas to achieve goals and objecAves, and acquiring beRer soluAons. With the world more connected than ever, and a bustling freelancing / entrepreneurship / DIY work culture on the rise, knowing how to develop lasAng working relaAonships has never been more important. It is also necessary for business growth and development, as well as keeping ahead of your compeAtors. When it comes to project management, the benefit of team collaboraAon is not only delivering the project with ease and success, but it’s also about achieving a sense of accomplishment with group, and gaining new experiences and insights.What does successful collabora&on look like?Successful team collaboraAon is going to look a liRle different depending on your team’s goals and objecAves. Generally speaking, however, if said goals and objecAves were met in an enthused and unified fashion, then that’s something to be preRy happy about.Elements of effec&ve team collabora&on & best prac&ces1.