Consider an ideal Stirling-cycle engine with initial conditions as follows: pressure = 100 kPa, temperature = 25°C, compression ratio = 6, and maximum temperature = 1100°C. Calculate the maximum cycle pressure and the thermal efficiency of the cycle with and without regenerators.
a) Maximum pressure: 600 kPa, Thermal efficiency with regenerator: 0.35, Thermal efficiency without regenerator: 0.28
b) Maximum pressure: 200 kPa, Thermal efficiency with regenerator: 0.28, Thermal efficiency without regenerator: 0.35
c) Maximum pressure: 200 kPa, Thermal efficiency with regenerator: 0.35, Thermal efficiency without regenerator: 0.40
d) Maximum pressure: 600 kPa, Thermal efficiency with regenerator: 0.40, Thermal efficiency without regenerator: 0.35