Pia Goncalves is a PSW working in a long term care facility on a unit she has not been assigned to. The unit is currently on a COVID - 1 9 outbreak with 5 out of 30 residents affected. Pia has been assigned to provide end of life (EOL) comfort measures to Mrs. Sandra Green. Sandra has just been told her swabs came back postive and she is now diagnosed with COVID-19. Sandra has received 4 covid vaccines and has a history of asthma. Sandra has been palliative status for a few months, in the past week her health has been declining towards EOL.
After Pia learns that she has to care for Sandra, she has refused and storms off the unit.
As a PSW what do you know about your role in regard to Respiratory Disorders?
What are some factors that may be influencing Pia's actions and behaviours?
Would you handle this situation differently or similar? How/Why?