Take a few moments to reflect on the information you learned in this section and apply it to your own life. You can post your answers in the course under 2.3 Reflection. Be sure to use complete sentences.
Create your personal mission statement. You may write an original if you wish, or you may use a poem, quote, or motto. If you use a poem, quote, or motto, explain why you chose it as your personal mission statement.
Identify any stressors that caused you to get stressed this past week.
Part of managing your time efficiently is deciding which items are priority. Make a list of three priorities you have that you need to work on this week.
Refer to Assignment 1.2 Health Habit Action Plan to answer the questions below. Remember, you should be working on this goal throughout the course in order to complete your final project for the course!
Describe how stress affects the health habit you chose for your health habit action plan you created in Assignment 1.2.
Track your progress on your health habit action plan by answering the questions below. Record your progress for your health habit action plan.
Describe how successful you have been this week in changing your health habit.
Describe any barriers you have encountered this week that have deterred you from changing.
Describe how your support network has encouraged you to change.