The party stopped at a small brook. The woman who was leading the party whispered, "Ok, if anybody's
thirsty, this be a good time to drink. We keep moving from here to the next station." This wind blew
through the thick trees. A young boy in the back of the party looked up at an older man and asked, "Is
we really gonna be free?" The old man sighed, as if he could not believe it himself. "You see that star
up dere? Dat's the North Star. We keep following that, and Miss Tubman up dere," he said gesturing to
the woman leading the party. He continued, "We'll be free alright." The boy smiled, and then
something else occurred to him. He looked up at the old man and said, "Well, what if we run into dem
=lave catchers?" The old man scratched his head and said, "Don't let'em catch you." Where is this story taking place?