Dietary Supplements Americans spend billions on dietary supplements. Dietary supplements include vitamins, minerals, herbs, botanicals, amino acids, proteins, enzymes, and weight loss products. These can come in various forms such as capsules, tablets, powders, drinks, chewable gummies, and bars. There are many reasons why people consume them such as to help meet nutrient needs. It's important to be aware of the safety and risk associated with many supplements. As a consumer it is up to you to do the necessary research. Find at least one credible science news article or a peer-reviewed journal article that discusses current research studies related to the topic and helps support their responses to one or more of the questions. The article should be current, one published within the past 10 years (anytime between 2012-2022). Discussion Questions: a. What new information did you learn about dietary supplements and/or what did you find interesting? b. Describe one or more examples of how dietary supplements have been shown to safely support health. c. Describe one or more examples of how dietary supplements may be a health risk. d. Discuss the limitations in current regulation of dietary supplements sold in the United States and your opinion on the matter.