4. Choose the correct form of the verb to be in the Simple Past tense.

1. At the inning of her career, Eva Perón was/wasn't/were (a.)a poliefcal activist, she wasn't/were/was (b.) an actress. She and her husband, military Colonel Domingo Perón, was/were/weren't (c.) both respected by many people. Workers were/was/weren't( in favor of them, but the high society weren't/was/wasn't (e.)

2. Thomas Alva Edison wasn't/was/weren't (a.) only a prolific inventor; he wasn't/was/were (b.) also a scientist and a businessman. He were /wasn't/was (c.) friends with other important American men such as Henry Ford and Alexander Graham Bell. He worked 24 hours a day, so he was/wasn't/were (d.) a lazy person. One of his most relevant creations was/were/wasn't (e.) the electric light bulb. Before its creation, people used gas or oil lamps but they were/weren't/ was (f.) very safe

si me pueden ayudar en seleccionar el correcto ​