You are given a string S consisting of N lowercase English letters. In how many ways can we split Sinto two non- empty parts, such that in at least one part the letter 'X' and the letter 'y' occur the same number of times?
Write a function: det solution (S) that, given a string S of length N, returns the number of splits S satisfying the condition above.
1. Given S = "ayxbx", the function should return 3. There are four possible splits of S: "a/yxbx", "ay/xbx", "ayx/bx" and "ayxb/X". Only "ay/xbx" does not fulfill the condition, so the answer is 3. Note that in "a/yxbx" the left part has 0 occurrences of 'X' and y, so it counts as correct split
2. Given S="xzzzy", the function should return 0.
3. Given S="toyxmy", the function should return 5.
4. Given S="apple", the function should return 4.
Write an efficient algorithm for the following assumptions:
- N is an integer within the range (2..200,000):
- string S consists only of lowercase letters (a-z).