What is Caravaggio depicting in his painting of The Calling of St. Matthew?
IMG_3005EA Rome San Luigi dei Francesi. Chapelle Contarelli. Caravaggio 1599-1602 L'Appel à Matthieu (la Vocation de St Matthieu), The Call to Matthew (the Vocation of St Matthew),

What is Caravaggio depicting in his painting of The Calling of St. Matthew?
IMG_3005EA Rome San Luigi dei Francesi. Chapelle Contarelli. Caravaggio 1599-1602 L'Appel à Matthieu (la Vocation de St Matthieu), The Call to Matthew (the Vocation of St Matthew),

the use of multiple media to achieve theatrical effects

the naturalistic painting of a divine event

the depiction of deep panoramic space

the use of ancient models derived from Roman sculpture