Identify the passage given
""Pieres," quod a prest tho, "thi pardoun most I rede,
For I will constrye eche clause and kenne it the on Englich."
And Pieres at his preyere the pardoun unfoldeth.
And I bihynde hem bothe bihelde al the bulle.
Al in two lynes it lay, and nought a [lettre] more,
And was written right thus in witnesse of treuthe:
Et qui bona eqerunt ibunt in vitam eternam;
Qui vero mala in ignem eternum.
"Peter!" quod the priest tho, "I can no pardoun fynde--
But 'Do wel, and have wel,' and God shal have thi sowle,
And 'Do yvel, and have yvel." [and] hope thow non other
[But] after thi ded-dday the Devel shal have thi sowle."
And Pieres for pure tene pulled it atweyne
And seyde, "Si ambulavero in medio umbre mortis
non timebo mala; quoniam tu mecum es.
I shal cessen of my sowyng and swynk nought so harde,
Ne about my [bileve] so bisi be namore.
Of preyers and of penaunce my plow shal ben herafter,
And wepen whan I shulde [werche], though whete bred me faille."