1. What is the fractional scale of the map? ___________________________
2. What is the contour interval of the map in feet? _______________________
3. Give the complete magnetic declination (angle, direction, and date) of the map. ___________________
4. Calculate the verbal scale of the map in inches to miles. ____________________________
5. What is the latitude (to the nearest minute) of Point A? _______________________
6. What is the longitude (to the nearest minute) of Point A? ____________________
7. What is the distance (in miles to the nearest tenth) from Point A to Point B? _________________
8. Give the elevation of Point A. ___________________
9. Give the elevation of Point B. ___________________
10. Give the elevation of Point C. ____________________
11. Calculate the map relief-the difference between the highest and lowest elevations on the map.
12. Can Point A be seen from Point B? ___________
13. Can Point E be seen from Point C? ___________
14. Can Point A be seen from Point D? __________
15. Which point on the map lies on the flattest land? _______________
16. Which point on the map lies on the steepest slope? ______________
17. Which direction is the stream flowing that goes past Point D? ___________
18. What point on the map lies on a gentle, south-sloping surface? ____________
19. What is the approximate area of the entire map in square miles? ____________
20. What is the approximate area of the entire map in acres? ___________