True or false, 1. There are ten σ bonds in this molecule.
2. The C-N bond is formed from overlap of an sp3 hybrid orbital from the carbon atom with an sp2 hybrid orbital from the nitrogen atom.
3. There are three lone pairs of electrons in the complete Lewis structure.
4. The C-2 and C-3 atoms cannot rotate about the internuclear axis between the two atoms since the π bonds would break.
5. There are five π bonds in this molecule.
6. The π bonds between C-2 and C-3 are formed by overlap of unhybridized p atomic orbitals.
7. An sp2 hybrid orbital on C-1 overlaps with an sp hybrid orbital on C-2 to form the sigma bond between C-1 and C-2.

True or false 1 There are ten σ bonds in this molecule 2 The CN bond is formed from overlap of an sp3 hybrid orbital from the carbon atom with an sp2 hybrid orb class=