Is this an effective use of a quotation in a paragraph?
Vuoskoski and Eerola in their study titled "Can Sad Music Really Make You Sad?" focus on the emotion of sadness. Participants in the study were randomly assigned one of three tasks: listening to sad music picked out by the researchers, listening to neutral music and sad music that the participants chose themselves. The participants were then asked to remember words that they had heard before listening.(Vuoskoski and Eerola 208).
The paragraph is ineffective because the author needs to paraphrase less.
The paragraph is ineffective because the author needs to paraphrase less.
This paragraph is weak because the writer does not need to include the title of the essay.
This paragraph is weak because the writer does not need to include the title of the essay.
This is not a strong paragraph because it uses a combination of paraphrasing and direct quotation to focus on explaining one piece of research.
This is not a strong paragraph because it uses a combination of paraphrasing and direct quotation to focus on explaining one piece of research.
This is an effective paragraph because the writer summarizes the main points of the research.