Size a manure storage for a wintering facility in Klamath Falls. The rancher houses 500 beef cows from November 1 until calving starts the first day of March. The facility is open lot with 350 square feet of total lot per cow. All of the lots slope to a single storage. He feeds along a fence (pipe and cable) where cattle stand in a concrete alley 10’ by 650 feet. All of the manure in the alley is scraped once per week to storage.
What is the volume contributed from the alley?
What is the volume from lot runoff in gallons and cubic feet?
What is the volume from the 25 year, 24 hour storm?
What is the rule of thumb size for a setting basin to help separate the solids?
There is a hill above the lot. What is important to have on the slope at the base of this hill and just above the lot?
He is feeding baled hay to the cows during their dry period. What are the dimensions of a barn to store hay during this feeding period?