/* Put your header here! Refer to the First Submission header. */
/* In this program, we will put comments in your code too. */
import java.until.scanner;
class equation{
double a;
double b;
double c;
double d;
/* TODO: Place a comment here about the following block of code */
Scanner s = new scanner(/* TODO: Add the input for the scanner here */);
System.out.print(''Enter four doubles ( a * b - c + d) : '');
a = s.nextDouble();
b = s.nextDouble();
/* TODO: Get the next double and put it into c */
/* TODO: Get the next double and put it into d */
/* TODO: Place a comment here about the following block of code */
double result = /* TODO: Calculate a * b - c + d */
*/ TODO: output the data as ''a * b -dc + d = result''.