Figurative Language
Name: Coderich Colett
Date: for 24, 2024
Write S, M. P. H, O. A, or I to show if the statement is a simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, onomatopoela, alliteration, or idiom.
We dinged the bell to let the cashier know we were ready.
The tea kettle sang out as it heated.
That's as pretty as a picture.
She was a statue, unmoving.
What a pretty perky pair of parrots!
Great, you let the cat out of the bag.
That's it, you're toast!
The tree hit the ground with a loud thump.
I'll be 10 years older by the time you're ready to go!
It was as dark as night.
The bees danced around the flowers.
I have a million mosquito bites!
The storm announced its arrival.
Her heart is gold.
We're all in the same boat, we'll get through this!
A bundle of brown baby beavers.
The pool water was as cold as ice.
_ The thunder boomed loudly.