Provide information for each of the following using the most recent data available on the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report webpage. Also, include a link to the page where you found each answer with your response. Look up the crime statistics for your city or the city closest to you if you live in a small town or rural area. The information for 2016, organized by state, can be found here. Name of your city/closest city and state: Population: Incidents of violent crime: Murder and non–negligent manslaughter: Robbery: Motor vehicle theft: Arson: Now, provide the same information for a city in a different state. Remember to provide the link for where you found the information. Name of your city/closest city and state: Population: Incidents of violent crime: Murder and non–negligent manslaughter: Robbery: Motor vehicle theft: Arson: What differences do you see in the statistics between the two cities? What factors might account for the differences you see