A nurse is reviewing psychosocial stages of development for a school-age child. What would be an expected behavioral finding for this child?
A. Personalize values and beliefs and base reasoning on ethical fairness principles. Establish close relationships. Have influences that help with formation of healthy self-concept, such as family and friends. (Young adults 20-35 years)
B. Develop sense of personal identity that family expectations influence. Peer relationships develop as a support system. Concerned with body images that media portray. (Adolescents 12-20 years)
C. Develop a sense of industry through advances in learning. Strive to develop healthy self-respect by finding out in what areas they excel. Peer groups play important role in social development.
D. Take on new experiences and when unable to accomplish task may feel guilty or misbehave. Generally do not exhibit stranger anxiety. Understand behavior in terms of what is socially acceptable. ( Pre-schoolers 3-6 years)