identity by julio noboa polanco
1. What do you notice about the length of stanza(s) and lines in the poem?
2. What do you notice about the poet's use of punctuation and capital letters?
3. How does the structure of Polanco's poem (line lengths and punctuation) relate to its content?
4. Do you see any repetition in the poem? What is being repeated?
5. Summarize the poem in your own words.
6. Highlight words that you believe are significant, even if you do know the meaning of the word.
What ideas and feelings are associated with the words that you have chosen?
7. What is the poet's tone in the poem? Provide evidence to prove your response.
8. Are there shifts in speaker? Shifts in attitude? Draw a line where you see a shift.
9. What is the author saying? What is their overall message or theme of the poem?
10. Look at the title again. How have your ideas about the meaning of the title changed after you have
read the poem?
11. Draw a picture of what the author wants you to visualize as you read the poem.
12. Can you relate to the metaphor in the poem? How so?