A freelance computer consultant keeps a database of her clients, which contains the names S = {Aces, Bakers, Cores, Dion, Energy, Floyd, Globe, Hide}. The following clients owe her money: A = {Aces, Cores, Energy, Globe}. The following clients have done at least $20,000 worth of business with her: B = {Aces, Bakers, Cores, Dion}. The following clients have employed her in the last year: C = {Aces, Cores, Dion, Energy, Globe, Hide}. A subset of clients is described that the consultant could find using her database. HINT [See Example 4.] The clients who owe her money, have not done at least $20,000 worth of business with her, and have not employed her in the last year. Write the subset in terms of A, B, and C. A' ∪ B ∪ C A ∪ B ∪ C A' ∩ B ∩ C A ∪ B' ∪ C' A ∩ B' ∩ C' A ∩ B ∩ C List the clients in that subset. {Aces, Bakers, Cores, Dion, Energy, Globe, Hide} {Aces, Bakers, Cores, Dion} {Aces, Cores} {Aces, Bakers, Cores, Dion, Energy, Floyd, Globe, Hide} ∅