
After completing this module, you should be very familiar with the styles and themes of both Regionalism and Naturalism in literary works published around the start of the 20th century. Now you will create your own digital story that "borrows" elements of these movements, using a format similar to the ones illustrated in the examples from the previous page. Your digital story can take the form of a video, an automated slideshow, or an illustrated script. If you decide to do a script, your document should include detailed directions to a video producer about what should appear on screen during each part of the presentation. Whatever form it takes, your digital story should accomplish these objectives: Portray an event in your life that is meaningful to you--one that seems to you to have a theme, or life lesson. Focus on an everyday event that is unique to you or your family--one that will also interest your audience--OR focus on an event that portrays you or someone you know caught in an inescapable fate. Accurately reflect the real series of events, as well as the actual spoken words, along with your thoughts. Use actual pictures and videos of the event (where applicable). Use a combination of narration and acting to both show and tell what happened. Include elements of Regionalism or Naturalism (or both). Include visual elements and effects. Consider using these steps to create your digital story.