
Read the passage below and select the central idea from the choices provided. It was disappointing to me, to say the least, to learn that I would have to spend the evening attending a play with my mother. We would see Shakespeare's Macbeth on Friday, and there would be no arguments, she said. I went with her, knowing that I didn't have a real choice anyway. The whole way to the theater, she talked about watching it with an open mind. I promised that I would, but I couldn't help but think, "Who in the world would want to sit through some play written by a dead guy a few hundred years ago? His world was nothing like mine!" Was I in for a surprise! The play opened with a battle, followed by the appearance of three witches, and then -- just minutes later -- the murder of the king. Yes, I was watching a play written by a dead guy a few hundred years ago, but the human emotions he wrote of were exactly like the ones I experience every day. True, I'm not a soldier who aspires to be the king, but I am a person who experiences anger, envy, greed, frustration, and love. By the time we reached Act Three, I started to wonder if there was anything Macbeth wouldn't do for power. By Act Five, when Lady Macbeth was trying to wash the imaginary blood from her hands, I was literally on the edge of my seat. Responses A Macbeth is a play about murder and greed.Macbeth is a play about murder and greed. B Parents are sometimes right and sometimes wrong.Parents are sometimes right and sometimes wrong. C Being open to a new experience can be rewarding.Being open to a new experience can be rewarding. D Going to the theater is better than getting into trouble with your mother.