Determine the specific work output, specific fuel consumption and cycle efficiency for a heat-exchanged gas turbine cycle, see the figure shown, having the following specification: Compressor pressure ratio 4.0 Turbine inlet temperature 1100K Н.Е. Fuel 4 Isentropic efficiency of compressor, no 0.85 2 3 Isentropic efficiency of turbine, ne 0.87 Mechanical transmission efficiency, nm 0.99 Comp Turb Combustion efficiency, nb 0.98 Sheet II, Q 2.10. Heat – exchanger effectiveness, E 0.80 Pressure losses - Combustion chamber, App 2% P2 Heat – exchanger air – side, ApH.a 3% P2 Heat – exchanger gas - side, Aph.g 0.04 bar Ambient conditions,pa, Ta 1 bar, 288 K Wnet = 136.8 kJ/kg, SFC = 0.253 kg/kW.h, 7cyc = 0.331 2.11). Determine the specific work output, specific fuel consumption and cycle efficiency for a simple cycle gas turbine with a free power turbine shown, given the following specification: Compressor pressure ratio 12.0 Turbine inlet temperature 1350K Isentropic efficiency of compressor,no С.С. 4 0.86 Wp Isentropic efficiency of turbine, nt Fuel Turb. 0.89 Comp. Mechanical transmission efficiency, nm 0.99 Wte Gas Generator Combustion efficiency, np 0.99 Power turbine Combustion chamber losses 6% P2 Sheet II, Q 11. Exhaust pressure losses 0.04 bar Ambient conditions,pa, Ta 1 bar, 288 K [277.0 kJ/kg; 0.265 kg/kW h ; 31.5 %]​