I am a high-school student and I am currently taking a course on chemical kinetics. Towards, what seems, end of the course at highschool level, the Arrhenius equation came in. Now, I'm not sure if what I'm presented is just a general form of Arrhenius equation and there's more to it, or this is it. Well, anyways, one of the things I am being told to learn is the plot between graph of rate constant $k$ vs temperature $T$. $k=A\mathrm e^{-E_\mathrm a/(RT)}$
The graph is sort of looks like with increasing $T$, the value of $k$ is skyrocketing (kinda like $y=x^2$ in first quadrant) but if I'm not mistaken, the rate constant $k$ should equal $A$ as temperature tends to infinity. Now I believe there must be some other factor in the equation that is also a function of temperature and is causing the graph to be the way it is. Can someone help me understand the same?
(In case you didn't get, because I am unable to attach an image, the looks like $y=x^2$ instead of $x=y^2$, which basically interrupts my intuition of Temperature on $x$ axis ever approaching infinity. $k$ on $y$ and $T$ on $x$ axis.)