1.(r∧¬s)∨(q∧¬s)2.¬s→((p∧r)→u)3.u→(s∧¬t)Prove from the previous arguments. p→q
Hey guys, I am really lost, so far I have a few arguments but not sure if they're correct. Can you please give some arguments to get this solved or a game plan using Inference laws and equivalences. Inferences: Modus Ponens, Tollens, Hypothetical, Disjunctive, Resolution, Conjunction, Simplification, Addition.
This is what I have so far....
4. (r ∨ q) ∧ ¬s Distributive of 1
5. ¬s Simplification of 1
6. (p ∧ r) → u Modus Ponens of 2
7. ¬u Modus Tollens of 3
8. ¬(p ∧ r) Modus tollens
9. p → ¬r DeMorgans and Implication Definition\
10. (r ∨ q) Simplification
11. ( ¬r → q) Implication
12. p → q Hypothetical
Are these steps valid?