Hi, I was wondering if you could get me the following June 2023 papers along with the mark schemes as I want to practice them so the GCSE AQA June 2023 Biology Paper 2 Triple Science Higher 1 hour and 45 minutes 100 marks, GCSE AQA June 2023 Chemistry Paper 2 Combined Science Higher 1 hour and 15 minutes 70 marks and GCSE AQA June 2023 Physics Paper 2 Triple Science Higher 1 hour and 45 minutes 100 marks. I would also like the papers GCSE AQA June 2023 Spanish Higher papers and the mark schemes so the Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking one. I would also like the GCSE June 2023 Edexcel Paper 1 and 2 for Citizenship and Edexcel Enterprise June 2023 as well as the Edexcel Maths Higher papers 1, 2 and 3.
So I would like the mark schemes and question papers for these:
GCSE AQA June 2023 Biology Paper 2 Triple Science Higher 1 hour and 45 minutes 100 marks
GCSE AQA June 2023 Chemistry Paper 2 Combined Science Higher 1 hour and 15 minutes 70 marks
GCSE AQA June 2023 Physics Paper 2 Triple Science Higher 1 hour and 45 minutes 100 marks
GCSE AQA June 2023 Spanish Higher Papers - Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking
GCSE Edexcel June 2023 Paper 1 and 2 for Citizenship
GCSE Edexcel June 2023 BTEC Enterprise
GCSE Edexcel June 2023 Maths Higher papers 1, 2 and 3