The procurement section of an organisation is challenged with the problem of managing Consultants and Contractors profiles and Documents. Assuming you have been appointed as the Team Leader for the Design and Development of project titled "DATCON SEARCH ENGINE AND DOCUMENT MANAGER". You have been mandated to select your team members in house.
The product is intended for
a. Registration of Contractors and Consultants
(Company name, Directors, addresses, scope of contracts, projects carried out if any, key personnel and their basic data)
b. Ability to Scan and save Relevant Documents
c. Grading ability using criteria
d. Searching Capability
e. Security
f. Any additional Requirement that you feel should be added is a welcome development
Section A
1. As a system analyst, how do you intend to manage the project?
2. Design a schedule for the project.
3. Write a report to the Management Requesting Resources that will be required for the implementation of the project and their cost implications
Section B
1. Develop all the necessary documentation that will be required for the project(includes DATA Flow Diagrams, File Structure, ERD and any other relevant material that will be required for the project implementation.
2. Implement the project(Use any Language you are familiar with).
3. What steps did you use for deployment? Any Challenges?