Ella had the important job of selling candy bars to raise money for the sports programs at her elementary school. Every student in the school was challenged with selling at least fifty candy bars. On
the first day of the sale, Ella decided to go to an apartment building close to her home because she figured, with an apartment building, she could hit many residences without walking very far. As she
entered the apartment building, she saw a mother and her three young children walking through the lobby. The mother's hair was uncombed and sticking out from her head every which way as she
wrestled a baby into a carrier and simultaneously pushed a double stroller with twin screaming toddlers in it. The mother briefly looked up at Ella as Ella approached her.
As it is now, the paragraph has no conslusion. Write a brief conclusion for the paragraph.
flows naturally from the existing paragraph
appropriately draws the action of the narrative to a logical close
stays on the topic of the rest of the paragraph