The Sabbath feast, which is based on God resting on the seventh day after creating, is here superseded by Jesus continuing his Father's _____________. (Jn 5:10)

a) Teachings and miracles
b) Healing ministry
c) Prophetic ministry
d) Divine authority
B. The Passover and the manna from heaven (Jn 6:31f) are replaced by Jesus as the ____________. (Jn 6:35)

a) Bread of life
b) Eternal provider
c) Fulfillment of Law
d) Symbol of salvation

C. The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkoth) is replaced by Jesus as _____________. (Jn 7:37f)

a) The Living Water
b) The New Covenant
c) The Light of the World
d) The Redeemer

D. 10:22-42 The Feast of Dedication of the Temple (Hanukkah or eight-day festival of lights) is replaced by God's new dwelling place. The Father now dwells in _______________. (Jn 10:38)

a) Human hearts
b) Jesus' teachings
c) The Church
d) Heaven