A 60-year-old man with a diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemia is treated with intensive chemotherapy. He goes into remission, but develops pain in the left wrist. On physical examination, there is swelling and warmth on palpation of the wrist. Polarized light microscopy of fluid aspirated from the wrist joint shows needle-shaped crystals that display negative birefringence. Which of the following processes most likely played an important role in the pathogenesis of the patient's wrist pain?
□ (A) Damage to the articular cartilage by chemotherapeutic agents
□ (B) Infiltration of the synovium by leukemic cells
□ (C) Synovial proliferation from cytokine secretion by leukemic cells
□ (D) Excessive production of uric acid from dying leukemic cells
□ (E) Hemorrhages into the joint as a result of deranged platelet function