A 32-year-old woman has noticed depigmented areas on her trunk that have waxed and waned for several months. She says that they do not itch or bleed, and are not painful. Physical examination shows variably sized, 0.3- to 1.2-cm macules over her upper trunk. The macules are lighter colored than the surrounding skin and have a fine, peripheral scale. Infection with which of the following organisms is most likely to produce these findings?
□ (A) Epidermophyton species
□ (B) Herpes simplex virus
□ (C) Human papillomavirus
□ (D) Malassezia furfur
□ (E) Molluscum contagiosum
□ (F) Mycobacterium leprae
□ (G) Propionibacterium acnes
□ (H) Sarcoptes scabiei
□ (I) Staphylococcus aureus
□ (J) Streptococcus pyogenes