A 63-year-old man who had worsening congestive heart failure with cardiac dysrhythmias in the last year of his life died of pneumonia. At autopsy, his pancreas is grossly small and densely fibrotic. Microscopic examination shows extensive atrophy of the acini with abundant collagenous interstitial fibrosis, but the islets of Langerhans appear normal. Inspissated proteinaceous secretions are present in branches of the pancreatic duct. The heart weighs 500 g, and all four chambers are dilated. What condition is most likely to account for these findings?
□ (A) αl-Antitrypsin deficiency
□ (B) Hypercholesterolemia
□ (C) Chronic alcoholism
□ (D) Blunt trauma to the abdomen
□ (E) Cholelithiasis