Song title: imagine

band/artist: john lennon

Recording date: may 27, 1971

1. Research the biography/background of this musician/band. What details are relevant to the release of this song?

2. What is happening in the US and/or the world at the time this song is recorded?

3. Describe the instrumentation used in the song.

4. Describe the rhythm and groove of the song. What mood does it create?

5. Analyze the lyrics in the verses and chorus. What imagery and/or symbolic language does the writer employ?

6. What questions/issues does the song raise about the way things are in the world? What does the musician want to say? Are any solutions offered? Does it call for changes? What do you think about the song’s message?

7. Based on your research, what was the short and/or long-term impact of this song on the issue?

Please help.