Group I – Advance Science Incorporated - Advance Science Incorporated is a science and technology company.
Create the ER diagram for the Advance Science Inc. Database, based on the following requirements.
• The Advance Science Incorporated Database will keep track of employees, facilities, and devices.
• For each employee, Advance Science Incorporated will keep track of a unique employee identifier as well as his or her name.
• For each facility, Advance Science Incorporated will keep track of a unique facility identifier as well as the facility type.
• For each device, Advance Science Incorporated will keep track of a unique device identifier as well as the device type.
• Each employee can access one or more facilities. Each facility can be accessed by one or more employees.
• Each device is issued to exactly one employee. Each employee can have between zero and many devices issued to him or her."
Create an EER diagram for your Mini Group assignment that extends the E-R diagram you developed week 1.

Entity Supertypes and Subtypes

In modeling terms, an entity supertype is a generic entity type that is related to one or more entity subtypes . The entity supertype contains common characteristics, and the entity subtypes each contain their own unique characteristics.

Two criteria help the designer determine when to use subtypes and supertypes:
There must be different, identifiable kinds or types of the entity in the user’s environment. The different kinds or types of instances should each have one or more attributes that are unique to that kind or type of instance.